Astronomy Resources in Creation Science
Astronomy Homepage
Astronomy by the CreationWiki
- Astronomy
- Astronomy quotes
- Astrophysics
- Cosmology
- Creation cosmology
- Cosmic chronology
- Young universe evidence
- Young solar system evidence
- Cosmic center
- Big bang
- Stellar evolution
- Nebula Hypothesis
- Star
- Galaxy
- Planet
- Moon
Organizations of Christian Astronomers
- 4th Day Alliance
- Christian Association of Stellar Explorers (CASE)
- Christian Astronomers Network
- Meta Research (Washington, D.C.) - Astronomy Research in Alternative Astronomical Theories
- Vatican Observatory Research Group Studies involving science, philosophy, and theology have formed an explicit part of the observatory's activity since 1987.
Creation Astronomers
- Gerardus Bouw
- Tycho Brahe
- John Byl
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- Don DeYoung
- Danny Faulkner
- Galileo Galilei
- Guillermo Gonzalez
- William Herschel
- Johannes Kepler
- Jason Lisle
- Andrew Rigg
- Hugh Ross
- Ron Samec
Astronomy Articles from the Creation
- The Angular Size of the Moon and Other Planetary Satellites: An Argument For Design by Danny Faulkner, Creation Research Society Quarterly 35(1) June 1998.
- Astronomical Problems Oard, M.J., 1995. Creation Ex Nihilo Technical Journal 9(1):5–6
- Astronomy FAQ by Answers in Genesis
- Astrophysical Science from In the Beginning by Walter Brown
- Comets and the Age of the Solar System by Danny Faulkner, Journal of Creation 11(3):264–273, December 1997.
- The Current State of Creation Astronomy by Danny Faulkner (4th International Conference on Creationism, 1998)
- Extrasolar planets suggest our solar system is unique and young by Rod Bernitt, Journal of Creation 17(1):11–13, April 2003.
- Toward a Creationist Astronomy by Danny Faulkner, Creation Research Society Quarterly 28(3) December 1991.
- The young faint sun paradox and the age of the solar system by Danny Faulkner
- Unhidden by Don Richardson, Xulon Press, 2009, 228 pages. ISBN:978-1607912453
- A Simplified Explanation of the Setterfield Hypothesis by Helen Fryman and Barry Setterfield
The Angular Size of the
Moon and Other Planetary Satellites: An Argument For Design by Danny R. Faulkner. CRSQ
Volume 35(1) June 1998
- Astronomical and Physical Sciences from In the Beginning by Walter Brown
- Astronomy by Mike Brown
- Astronomy in the Bible by the Catholic Encyclopedia
- Astronomical Evidences for the God of the Bible Hugh Ross
- Astronomical Problems by Michael Oard, Journal of Creation 9(1):5–6, 1995
- The Big Bang Theory Collapses by Duane Gish. ICR Impact 216
- The Christmas Star by Hugh Ross
- The Christmas Star: Was it Astronomical or Was it a Miracle? by Daniel Harris PhD
- Comets and the Age of the Solar System by Danny Faulkner, Journal of Creation 11(3):264-273, 1997
- The Current State of Creation Astronomy by Danny Faulkner. Presented at the Fourth International Conference on Creationism
Pittsburgh, PA, August 3-8, 1998- Do stars evolve? Adapted by Christian Answers Network from Don DeYoung's book Astronomy and the Bible
- Does God Expect Man to be Able to Tell Time? The Age of the Earth & the Future of the Earth by James Sundquist
- The Dubious Apologetics of Hugh Ross by Danny Faulkner. Journal of Creation 13(2):52–60 November 1999.
- The Earth's Magnetic Field: Closing a Loophole in the Case of its Youth by Russell Humphreys. Creation Matters 7(2) March/April, 2002.
- Geomagnetism and the Age of the Solar System PowerPoint presentation by Wayne Spencer
- Ghost Craters in the Sky: Is the Man in the Moon Telling Us Something? by Helen Fryman. Creation Matters, January/February 1999.
- The Heavens by Accuracy in Genesis
- The Moon: The Light that Rules the Night Jonathan Sarfati. Creation 20(4):36–39, September–November 1998
- More problems for the Oort comet cloud? by Danny Faulkner, Ph.D. Journal of Creation 15(2):11
August 2001The Origin of the Solar System by Lambert Dolphin
- Our Amazing Solar System Wayne Spenser's introduction to the solar system from a young age creation point of view.
- Planets Around Other Stars? by Wayne Spenser
- Revelations in the Solar System Part 1 Wayne Spenser addresses problems with evolutionary views and new findings from the Galileo mission. Part 2 suggests some creationist alternatives to the usual evolutionary naturalistic view of the solar system.
- The Role Of Stellar Population Types In The Discussion Of Stellar Evolution by Danny R. Faulkner. CRSQ Volume 30(1) June 1993
- Short Period Comets, by Jon Covey
- The Sun Our special star by Jonathan Sarfati, Creation 22(1):2730
- Toward A Creationist Astronomy by Danny R. Faulkner and Don B. DeYoung. CRSQ Volume 28(3) December 1991
- What Holds The Universe Together? by Lambert Dolphin
- The Young Faint Sun Paradox and the Age of the Solar System by Danny Faulkner, ICR Impact No. 300.
Astronomy News
- Gliese 581g, Newly Found 'Habitable' Planet, May Not Exist Francesco Pepe, who works with the Geneva Observatory and used the HARPS instrument on the La Silla telescope at the European Southern Observatory in Chile, said he and his team could not find the planet or confirm its existence. Epoch Time, Oct 12, 2010.
- Freshly Discovered Earth-Like Planet Orbiting Nearby Star Could Be the First Truly Habitable Exoplanet A couple of math geeks recently calculated that the discovery of the first “habitable” exoplanet would be announced in May of next year -- but a few stargazers from UC Santa Cruz and their colleagues simply couldn’t wait that long. By Clay Dillow Posted 09.29.2010. Popular Science.
- Big Bang Was Followed by Chaos, Mathematical Analysis Shows Seven years ago Northwestern University physicist Adilson E. Motter conjectured that the expansion of the universe at the time of the big bang was highly chaotic. Now he and a colleague have proven it using rigorous mathematical arguments. ScienceDaily. Sep. 8, 2010.
- Stephen Hawking says universe not created by God Physics, not creator, made Big Bang, new book claims. Professor had previously referred to 'mind of God'. September 2, 2010
- Fate of Universe revealed by galactic lens Researchers conclude that the Universe will probably expand forever ending in a dead wasteland with a temperature approaching what scientists term ‘absolute zero’. BBC News, 19 August 19, 2010
- Search for Intelligent Aliens Takes Center Stage This Weekend at SETIcon SETI Institute celebrates the 50th anniversary of its mission to scan the universe for signs of intelligent extraterrestrial life., August 12 2010.
- Chlorine study suggests moon is dry after all The moon's interior may not be that wet after all, despite some recent studies that have suggested otherwise. A new analysis of Apollo rocks backs the old idea of a waterless world. NewScientist. August 2010. [1]
- Nemesis reconsidered. An astrophysicist and a paleontologist, after re-examining the fossil record, now propose abandoning the Nemesis hypothesis, on the theory that any companion star to the Sun ought to have had its orbit changed in the last 500 million years and thus could not have caused extinction-level events as regularly as clockwork during that time. Solar and Stellar Astrophysics. July 2, 2010.
- Evidence for dark matter and energy found lacking. A team of astronomers at Durham University (UK) re-examined the data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and found that previously-described evidence for an acceleration effect due to dark energy is nothing more than an error of measurement. Creationism Examiner. June 15, 2010.
- 'Dark' matter and energy 'proof' exaggerated—again. Astronomers find the same apparent ratio of "dynamical" to "luminous" mass at the edge of the universe as near to us. As ever, they insist that this somehow "proves" the existence of "dark matter"—when in fact it proves no such thing. Creationism Examiner, 26 January 2010
- Mystery of extrasolar planets' eccentric orbits -evidence suggests that, as far as planetary systems go, our solar system might be special indeed. April 19, 2005
- Discovery By UCSD Astronomers Poses A Cosmic Puzzle: Can A 'Distant' Quasar Lie Within A Nearby Galaxy? An international team of astronomers has discovered within the heart of a nearby spiral galaxy a quasar whose light spectrum indicates that it is billions of light years away. January 10, 2005
Glimpse At
Early Universe Reveals Surprisingly Mature Galaxies
A rare
glimpse back in time into the universe's early evolution has revealed
something startling: mature, fully formed galaxies where scientists
expected to discover little more than infants.
Space Daily 7/8/04
- Massive Black Hole Stumps Researchers - astronomers have found a colossal black hole so ancient, they're not sure how it had enough time to grow to its current size 6/28/04
- Newly Discovered Baby Planet Confounds Expectations - Raw Materials For Habitable Planets Around Surprisingly Young Stars. 6/11/04
- Dust rocks martian river theory - Signs of water may really be slumping sand. Nature Science Update 5/25/04
- Sizing up the Universe Microwave mismatch proves our cosmos is a whopper. Nature 5/18/04
- Researchers confirm theory that universe in rapid expansion Space Daily 5/18/04
- Study May Cast Doubt On Some 1996 Evidence Of Past Life On Mars Space Daily 5/06/04
- NASA announces evidence for water on Mars by Answers in Genesis 3/4/04
- Top 10 Space Mysteries for 2003 - The origin of life Yahoo News 12/27/02
- Star of Bethlehem- Going Back in Time to Examine Its Origins 12/23/02
- Seeing red - revolutionary probe gears for Martian exploration News on upcoming mission to search for life on mars 12/19/02
- Hubble Watches Galaxies Engage In Dance Of Destruction 12/17/02
- Christian Astronomers Mend Rift With Science and Religion Aug 8, 2000
- Massive Black Hole Stumps Researchers - astronomers have found a colossal black hole so ancient, they're not sure how it had enough time to grow to its current size 6/28/04